Certification Program

Dear Clients,


Quantrax is proud to have pioneered the development of intelligent technology for the collection industry. As our technology has advanced, so has the need for education and knowledge. Today, we offer more flexibility and more products to choose from in an ever-changing environment.  In order to make the best use of technology, training and knowledge have become far more important than in the past. You need to be able to react quickly to client needs, changes in the industry and increasing competition. Knowledge will be the key to your success.

Getting that knowledge, not only about your collection application but the collection industry itself is extremely challenging and time consuming.  Today’s environment offers many avenues for you to reach out and capture that knowledge. However, too much information can be daunting. With a never-ending bank of information how do you decide “where to go”? This entire process becomes extremely difficult, time consuming and expensive.

We believe that NOW is the right time for us to help you get that type of knowledge and set some standards. These standards would include:

  • making sure that you know your collection application,
  • security,
  • information systems and
  • database management.

We are very happy to announce the Quantrax Certification Program!

The Certification Program is designed to:

  • Teach
  • Test
  • Certify

This program is designed to provide you and your staff with in-depth knowledge of the Quantrax family of products. The program will also set the standards and define them so that you can see how the options fit together and how they can help you maximize your earning potential. Again, this program is NOT limited to just Quantrax products. We will make this information available to you, but the true test will be how you implement this information into your current structure.

We will be developing certification programs for knowledge engineering and systems management, financial analysis, payment processing, clerical operations, reporting and telephony. Initially, we will be focusing on knowledge engineering and management of your system. When all is said and done, you will be provided with practical knowledge of the collection industry, its processes and compliance regulations associated with it. You will understand your hardware, operating systems, interfaces and of course, your application.

The Certification Program will provide information for you to set new standards for the management of your staff and ensure that your staff meets these standards. More information will follow shortly. However, please feel free to let us know your thoughts on the new Certification Program.

The Quantrax Team

Quantrax Inc • 4300 Montgomery Avenue, Suite 106 • Bethesda, MD 20814
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